Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Planets of our Solar System: is it 8 or 9?

As we all know, there has been recent speculation, what a planet is and what is not. The purpose of this secrecy was Pluto. But the IAU (International Astronomical Union) says that a planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so it is assumed that they have an almost round shape and has the neighborhood around its orbit. "

In addition to the Earth and its moon Luna, there are eight other planets in our solar system that even their own orbiting satellites, or moons. The first of these two planets, and proximity to the sun, Mercury. One would think that this planet so close to the sun would mean the whole thing is quite toasty, but that's not true. Only the next page to the sun is the fried side. The site away from the sun can actually drop hundreds of degrees below zero.

The second planet Venus is with his cranky attitude towards the sun. He wants all of the heat to itself with its dense atmosphere. Therefore, the planet is very hot and full of volcanic activity. It is not like we here on earth, where temperature is just right and everything has a certain balance. Mars, on the other side is not so happy. While the question of where the water went looms in all our minds, this planet Desert is constantly investigated for a clue.

Then we have the fifth planet Jupiter with its active atmosphere and some magnetic field. Maybe one of these days we can understand and recognize why the angry giant it is, but it is so angry as Saturn? Sports Saturn rings, consisting of ice and rock chunks and remove the rings of Uranus look like small children. Unfortunately, not much is known about Saturn and Uranus other than Uranus was apparently from a very large object that it is tilted on its side.

Anyway, we now conclude with poor Pluto. This small exile, the more or less a snowball effect orbits the sun is still the center of the debate. Since it was a planet since 1930, everyone is used to its existence, and many may be dismayed at the fact this little guy be sent into exile. Anyway, we have a very impressive solar system with much more research to come. Maybe by long and accurate research Pluto learn their true destiny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually 10