Friday, May 23, 2008

The starry sky

Have you ever lost in a foreign city or state? The chances are you two things to avoid: a map and some signs. In much the same way, these items can help you find your way to the starry sky at any time of year. Fortunately, in addition to the seasonal star charts here, the sky gives us two big signs. Each seasonal description talks about the Big Dipper - a group of seven bright stars dominated that the constellation Ursa Major the Great Bear. Meanwhile, the constellation Orion the Hunter plays a key role in finding their way around the sky from late autumn to early spring.

Each map shows the sky as the near 35 ° north latitude at the time. Located on the edges of the card are the four directions: north, south, east and west. To find stars on the horizon, keep the overhead map and orient it towards a label with the direction in which you are. The stars on the horizon card's now with what is happening in the sky.

Exploring the winter sky
Winter finds the Big Dipper climbing the northeastern sky, with the three stars of its handle pointing toward the horizon and the four stars of its bowl standing highest. The entire sky rotates around a point near Polaris, a 2nd-magnitude star found by extending a line from the uppermost pair of stars in the bowl across the sky to the left of the Dipper. Polaris also performs two other valuable functions: The altitude of the star above the horizon equals your latitude north of the equator, and dropping a straight line from the star to the horizon points due north.

Turn around with your back to the Dipper and you'll be facing the diamond-studded winter sky. The second great signpost in the sky, Orion the Hunter, is central to the brilliant scene. Three closely spaced, 2nd-magnitude stars form a straight line that represents the unmistakable belt of Orion. Extending the imaginary line joining these stars to the upper right leads to Taurus the Bull and its orangish 1st-magnitude star, Aldebaran. Reverse the direction of your gaze to the belt's lower left and you cannot miss Sirius the Dog Star — brightest in all the heavens at magnitude -1.5.

Now move perpendicular to the belt from its westernmost star, Mintaka, and find the red supergiant star Betelgeuse at the upper left of Orion. Nearly a thousand times the Sun's diameter, Betelgeuse marks one shoulder of Orion. Continuing this line brings you to a pair of bright stars, Castor and Pollux. Two lines of fainter stars extend from this pair back toward Orion — these represent Gemini the Twins. At the northeastern corner of this constellation lies the beautiful open star cluster M35. Head south of the belt instead and your gaze will fall on the blue supergiant star Rigel, Orion's other luminary.

Above Orion, and nearly overhead on winter evenings, is brilliant Capella in Auriga the Charioteer. Extending a line through the shoulders of Orion to the east leads you to Procyon in Canis Minor the Little Dog. Once you have these principal stars mastered, using the chart to discover the fainter constellations will be a lot easier. Take your time, and enjoy the journey. Before leaving Orion, however, aim your binoculars at the line of stars below the belt. The fuzzy "star" in the middle is actually the glorious Orion Nebula (M42), a stellar nursery illuminated by bright, newly formed stars.

Exploring the spring sky
The Big Dipper, our guide into the sky, swings high overhead costs in the spring and is located near the center of the diagram. In this season of rejuvenation encourages us to outdoors with the milder temperatures, and the new season with a new set of stars beckons us.

Follow the arc of stars in the handling of the car away from the bowl and you land on brilliant Arcturus. This orangish star dominates the spring sky in the kite-shaped constellation Boötes the herdsman. Well, the west of Boötes is Leo the lion. You can find its brightest star Regulus, by using the pointer of the car in reverse gear. Regulus is on the basis of a group of stars in the form of a sickle or backward question mark, was the head of the lions.

Half way between Regulus and Pollux in Gemini, the sinking is now in the west, is the diminutive group of cancer of the crab. Centered in this group is a dunstiger patch of light show the binoculars, as the Beehive Cluster (M44).

To the southeast of Leo is the realm of galaxies and the constellation Virgo the Maiden. Virgo's brightest star Spica, lit in order of magnitude 1.0.

In the spring, the Milky Way is level with the horizon, and it is easy to see that we are out of the plane of our galaxy. In the direction of Virgo, Leo, Coma Berenices, and Ursa Major are thousands of galaxies, whose light unhindered by the intervention dust in our own galaxy. But all these galaxies are elusive to the untrained eye and require binoculars or a telescope to see.

Boötes is located on the eastern border of this galaxy haven. Half way between Arcturus and Vega, the bright "Summer" star is rising in the northeast, a region where no star shines brighter than 2nd Magnitude. A half-circle of stars Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, and nearby is a large region, the houses of the Strongman Hercules, the fifth-largest constellation in the sky. It is here we find the northern sky of the brightest star clusters globular cluster, M13. A naked-eye object from a dark place, it looks when spectacular view through a telescope.

Already at the Big Bear, check the second-last star in the Dipper's handle. Most people see it than doubled, while binoculars show that this is easy. The couple called Alcor and Mizar, and they are only 0.2 ° apart. A telescope shows Mizar itself as a double. His companion star shine in order of magnitude 4.0 and located 14 arc seconds.

Exploring the summer sky
The wealth of the summer sky, the splendor of the Milky Way. Stretching from the northern horizon in Perseus, through the cross-shaped constellation Cygnus overhead, and down to Sagittarius in the south, the Milky Way is packed with riches. These resources include star clusters, nebula, double stars, and variable stars.

Let's start with the Big Dipper, our multi-shield, which now lies in the north-west with his grip still pointed in the direction of Arcturus. High overhead costs, and the first stars appear after sunset, is Vega in Lyra the harp. Vega forms a corner of the summer triangle, a prominent asterism of three stars. Vega is located near the famous double-double, Epsilon Lyrae. 5th Two-star magnitude is slightly more than 3 arc minutes apart and can be when viewed through binoculars. Each of these two stars is also double, but you need a telescope to divide.

In the east of the triangle Vega is the second star: Deneb in Cygnus the Swan (Some see a cross in this pattern). Deneb is the tail of this graceful bird, The cross represents his outstretched wings, and the base of the cross is the head, which is dominated by the incomparable Double Star Albireo. Albireo with a 3rd-magnitude yellow star and a magnitude 5-blue star and offers the finest color contrast across the sky. Deneb is a supergiant star pumps that enough light to equal 60000 Suns. Also note that the Milky Way splits into two parts in Cygnus, a huge gap caused by the blocking of interstellar dust of stars light beyond.

Altair, the third star of the Summer Triangle and the furthest south, is the second brightest of the three. Lying 17 light-years away, it's the brightest star in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.

Often overlooked that the north of Deneb lies the constellation Cepheus the King. Shaped more like a bishop of the hat, the southern corner of the Cepheus is characterized by a compact triangle of stars, the Delta Cephei. This famous star is the prototype of a Cepheid variable stars used to the distances to some of the galaxies nearer. It differs regular order of magnitude from 3.6 to 4.3 and back with a 5.37-day period.

Umarmte the southern horizon, the constellations of Scorpius and Sagittarius the Archer scorpion lie in the thickest part of the Milky Way. Scorpion's brightest star, Antares, a red supergiant star, whose name means "rival of Mars" and is derived from its similarity to the planet in both color and brightness.

Exploring the autumn sky
The cool nights of autumn are here to remind us the chill of winter is not far away. Together with the cool air, the brilliant stars of the summer triangle descent into the West should be replaced with a rather mild-looking region of the sky. But do not let appearances deceive you first. Hidden in the autumn sky are equally precious stones summer.

The Big Dipper swings low in this season, and for parts of the southern United States actually is. Cassiopeia, the queen, a group of five bright stars in the form of a "W" or "M", reaches its highest point overhead, the same spot the Big Dipper reaches 6 months. To the east of Cassiopeia, Perseus the hero rises high. Nestled between these two groups is the miraculous Double Cluster - NGCs 869 and 884 - a fantastic view of binoculars or a low-power telescope.

Our view to the south of the Milky Way is a window from the plane of our galaxy in the opposite direction to see that in the spring. This allows us a glimpse into the Local Group of galaxies. Due south of Cassiopeia is the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), a 4th-magnitude smudge of light that passes directly overhead about 9 clock in mid-November. Further south, between Andromeda and Triangulum, is M33, an extensive face-on spiral galaxy is best seen in binoculars or a wide-field telescope.

The Great Square of Pegasus happened just south of the zenith. Four 2nd-and 3rd-magnitude stars form of space, but only a few stars can be seen inside. If you draw a line between the two stars on the right side of the square and extend it to the south, see 1st-magntiude Fomalhaut Southern fish in the Southern Fish. Fomalhaut is the lone bright star low in the south. With the help of the east side of the square as a pointer in the south will take you to Diphda in the large, weak constellation of Cetus the Whale.

On the eastern side of the square is the Pleiades star cluster (M45) in Taurus, which reminds us of the upcoming winter. By late evening in October and early evening in December, Orion and Taurus have both cleared the horizon and Gemini rises in the northeast. In concert with the reappearance of winter constellations, the view to the northwest finds's summertime at Cygnus and Lyra. The fall season is a major transitional period, both on Earth and in heaven, and a fine time to experience the subtleties of these constellations.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Understanding the solar system

Follow the night sky during the course of the year, and you'll begin to pick up some forms. All the stars seem to March in lockstep across the sky. They rise in the east and set in the west, moving with a little more alacrity than the Sun. As a result, if you observe at the same time every night, the stars seem to slide slowly toward the west. Therefore, the summer sky appears so different from the winter sky. During a full year, the stars make a complete circle.

However, a few bright points of light they break the rules. Even early civilizations recognized that a handful of celestial objects do not follow the same pattern, but instead move in relation to the stars. Old called the wandering objects "planets" and, with the sun and the Moon, considers them with special meaning.

Early civilizations recognized only five planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - one bright enough to be easy to prove that the naked eye. Astronomers using telescopes discovered three more during the past 225 years: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Together, the planets makes a huge burden of the material in the Solar system outside the Sun.

The eight planets other than Earth fall into two observational class. In an inferior planets - Mercury and Venus - lie between the Sun and Earth, a superior planet (the other six) lie outside the Earth's orbit. In two categories show a very different observational powers.
Due to poor planets orbit closer to the sun than the Earth, they never stray far from its parent star. Mercury innermost never seems more than 28 ° from the sun in our sky. This means, it remains almost constantly in the twilight, glowing either in the west shortly after sunset or in the east just before sunrise. Despite the shining brighter than all but the most prominent stars, Mercury remains an elusive object.

With an orbit larger than Mercury, Venus can take up to 47 ° from the sun. Although it often is in the twilight, Venus occasionally climbs in a completely dark sky. But you need not contribute to that spot - Venus is by far the brightest object in the sky after the sun and the moon. It is easy except during the relatively short periods, if it happens behind or in front of the sun.

A poor planet seems conspicuous around the time of its greatest elongation from the sun. If you saw a minor planets orbit relative to Earth, the moment when it passes directly between Earth and the sun is seen as inferior. After a bad planet moves faster than the earth as quickly moves from the sun in our sky and finally becomes visible in the east before dawn. It is highest in the morning sky around the time when most western expansion, then it falls back toward the sun. The planet is then on the other side of the sun from the earth, a configuration known as superior connection, before climbing into the western evening sky. It seems to highest greatest eastern elongation, and then heads back towards the sun for the next inferior conjunction. Mercury It takes on average about 116 days to a cycle; Venus takes 584 days.

Observers have their own telescopes tracking Mercury and Venus the changing sizes and stages. Because Mercury presents such a small hard drive and turbulence in the vicinity of Earth's horizon distorted our view, there is really no hope of discerning any surface feature. And thick, highly reflective cloud permanently shroud the surface of Venus. Neither inferior planets varies greatly among the relatively long period of time he spends in the vicinity of Superior. It is located further away from Earth and then, it seems small, and his Gibbous phase changes slowly. The largest eastern elongation, the planet is half-lit. The pace of change accelerated between this strain and inferior. The planet the size is growing fast and the waning phase premature. For Venus, the apparent size increases of about 10 "very close connection of Superior to 60" in relation to inferior. The size and phase changes play in reverse as the planet moves from inferior to superior.
A superior planet shows a far different pattern. If it is on the other side of the sun, as seen from Earth, astronomers, that the call connection. The planet moves in the sky in the early morning, where it is rising steadily higher. Finally he reached the point in its orbit, where it is located opposite the sun in our sky, a configuration file called opposition. Opposition marked the best time to consider all planets. Because it towards the sun, it remains visible all night. Opposition also brings the next planet to Earth, so that it appears through a telescope largest and lights at its brightest. According to the opposition, a superior planet moves in the evening sky and finally sinks in the sun glare. The closer a planet is, the longer it takes to the cycle of a connection or opposition to the next. For Mars, it takes more than two years. Jupiter takes about one month longer than one year, Saturn two weeks longer than one year, and the outer planets just a few days longer than a year.

If through a telescope, Mars shows the biggest changes. (As the next superior planet, there is a greater percentage difference between its distance from the earth in opposition and conjunction.) Around the time of the opposition, Mars looms quite large and fascinating shows details. In 2003 (its closest approach in almost 60,000 years), the Red Planet was published 25 "across. Mars usually spends just a few months of this size in any 26-month phenomenon, so good views are more fleeting.
For backyard observers, Jupiter offers an increasingly important target group as Mars. That is partly because it is the largest planet in the solar system and partly because the distance from Earth is not so much vary. His apparent diameter at the opposition ranges from 44 "to 50", but also in connection (if it is behind the sun and can not be seen), never under 30. "Larger areas show a whole series of alternately dark and bright belt Zones. "Swirling eddies in the turbulent border between the belts and zones. The best known function of Jupiter's cloudtops is the Great Red Spot, a giant atmospheric function more than twice the diameter of the earth. The spot color now appears more of a silent salmon as a bright red, so it is not easy to spot. Look for him on the southern edge of the south equatorial belt. If you're not on the spot, it can on the other side of the planet's hard. Wait a few hours - Jupiter takes less than 10 hours to rotate once - and it should be on the Earth-facing hemisphere.

Each telescope also shows four bright points arrayed on both sides of the planet Jupiter's disk. These are the Galilean's moons, discovered by Galileo in 1610, when he had his first telescope on Earth. Watch them dance around the planet from one night to the next. Spaceship showed the four moons to worlds in their own right. Innermost Io series as the most volcanically active object. Bright, smooth Europe apparently involves a large underground ocean of liquid water. Giant Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system - and larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto. And outermost Callisto SPORTS The solar system's most heavily cratered surface.
No object in the solar system fascinated observer more than Saturn. Even a small margin shows the system of rings around the planet pale-yellow ball. It looks like people expect that - it is a rarity in the world of backyard observed. Three main rings can be transformed through a telescope. Prominent ones are the outer ring A, and only in him, the brighter B ring. The dark Cassini Division separates these two. The dusky, C innermost ring appears with difficulties to those with large areas. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and is further away, so that it never looms as large as his brother giant. Saturn's ring system is wide enough that it is a larger diameter than Jupiter most of the time.

Saturn remains a large retinue of moons. Although none seems as bright as Jupiter's Galilean moons Chen, backyard observers on the ground can take several. Easy to find Estonians-magnitude 8th Titan, the second largest moon in the solar system and the only one with a substantial atmosphere. A 4 - to 6-inch frame shows 10th-magnitude Tethys, Dione, Rhea. Oddest of all is Iapetus. If it is west of Saturn, they lit in orders of magnitude 10th -- Two orders of magnitude brighter than if it is east of the planet.

The outer gas giant planets - Uranus and Neptune - less to offer backyard observers. Uranus lights in the 6th Magnitude and can be glimpsed with the naked eye from a dark place. Unfortunately, a telescope not reveal many details. Around the time of the opposition, Uranus shows a clear blue-green plate that measures slightly less than 4 "across. Neptune lights on 8 magnitude and a telescope by some opposition, appears blue-gray and slightly more than 2" across .

Distant Pluto shows absolutely no detail at all. You need an 8-inch telescope and a detailed star chart to a decent chance of spotting 14th-magnitude glimmer of light. The reward for espionage Pluto does not come from the display every detail, but from the mere fulfilment of the location of the outer planets.
So big as the observation of a planet or moon can be many skywatchers place of interaction of three objects at the top of their solar system to observe. When the sun, moon, earth and line up, observers flock to see a solar eclipse. When the earth lies between the sun and the moon, our planet shadow falls on the moon, and we see a lunar eclipse. When the moon comes between the Sun and Earth, the moon blocks in whole or in part by the sun from view, the creation of a solar eclipse. Eclipses occur either at Full Moon (Lunar) or New Moon (solar). Since the orbit of the moon to Earth tilts in relation to the orbit of the earth around the sun, we do not get every darkness and New Moon. Instead, they come in about six months, when the moon crosses the plane of orbit the earth at the right stage.
During a lunar eclipse, Earth's shadow gradually creeps across the Moon's bright face. In a penumbral eclipse, the Moon remains in the outer, lighter part of Earth's shadow (the penumbra) and many people are hard-pressed to see the Moon darken at all. In a partial eclipse, the Moon enters the inner, darker part of Earth's shadow (the umbra) and the Moon appears to have a bite taken from it.

Few sky events can rival the majesty of a total lunar eclipse, when the entire Moon plunges through Earth's umbra. These eclipses start as penumbral ones and progress through partial phases until the Moon lies totally within the umbra. You might think the Moon would disappear during totality because, to the eyes of a hypothetical observer on the Moon, Earth blocks the whole Sun from view. Yet the Moon normally takes on a reddish color. The culprit — Earth's atmosphere. If Earth were an airless planet, the shadow would be pitch black and the eclipsed Moon would vanish. But our atmosphere acts like a filtered lens, bending red sunlight into the shadow and scattering out blue light. It's the same reason sunrises and sunsets appear reddish. In fact, the ruddy light hitting the Moon during totality is the glow from all of our planet's sunrises and sunsets.

Lunar eclipses seem fairly common because they can be seen from the entire nightside of Earth if the weather cooperates. Solar eclipses seem rare in comparison because they produce noticeable effects over a limited geographic area. During a partial solar eclipse, the Moon covers a fraction of the Sun that can range from a nick up to near totality. Because the Sun appears so bright, however, more than half the Sun needs to be blocked before any discernible effect can be seen on the ground. The Sun's brilliant surface is also why you never should view a partial eclipse directly without a proper solar filter.
The best eclipses occur when the moon passes centrally throughout the Sun's disk. Since the moon and sun, almost the same diameter square, a central solar eclipse can only from a narrow path on Earth's surface. When the moon is relatively far from the earth, but not the entire block of the sun and a ring of sunlight remains visible. This is called an annular solar eclipse.

But the most spectacular solar eclipse of all as a whole solar system. In this case, the moon is close enough to Earth that it blocks the Sun's entire disk no longer appear. With the brilliant photosphere hidden, you can totality with the naked eye or visual aids without a solar filter. During totality, the Sun's faint outer atmosphere - Corona - appears front and center. This thin, pearly-white light is usually two or three times the diameter of the sun uneclipsed. Even after fiery prominences, hot red tongues of gas, sent from the Sun and limbs come into contact with the prospect photosphere blocked. Total solar eclipses are so impressive that many observers travel the world to see as many as possible.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way, the galaxy, which is home to our solar system together with at least 200 billion other stars (more recent estimates have around 400 billion) and its planets, and thousands of clusters and nebulae, including at least almost all objects in the Messier catalogue the galaxies on their own (you could two globular clusters as possible exceptions, how likely they are straight, or have recently been built or are in our galaxy of dwarf galaxies that are currently in close encounters with the Milky Way: SagDEG of M54, M79 and possibly the Canis Major dwarf). See also our Messier objects in the Milky Way page, where details are given for each object, which is part of our galaxy is to do. All objects in the Milky Way orbit their common center of mass, the so-called Galactic Center.

As a galaxy, the Milky Way is actually a giant, as its mass is probably between 750 billion and one trillion solar masses, and its diameter about 100000 light years. Radio astronomial investigations on the distribution of hydrogen clouds have shown that the Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, Hubble-type Sb or Sc. It is our galaxy has a strong component with a hard spiral structure and a prominent nuclear reagion is part of a remarkable camber / Halo component. Decade-long observations have more and more evidence that the Milky Way can also be a bar structure (so it would be Type SB), so that it could be as M61 or M83, and is perhaps best described as SABbc. Recent studies have raised support for the assumption that the Milky Way may even have a central bar pronounced barred spiral galaxies like M58, M91, M95, M109, and thus the Hubble-type SBB or SBC.

The Milky Way belongs to the Local Group, a smaller group of 3 large and 30 small galaxies, and is the second largest (after the Andromeda galaxy M31), but perhaps the most massive member of this group. M31, at about 2.9 million light years, is the nearest big galaxy, but a series of weak galaxies are much closer: Many of the dwarf Local Group members are satellites or companions of the Milky Way. The two closest neighbours, both mentioned above, were only discovered recently: The nearest of all, discovered in 2003, is an almost disrupted dwarf galaxy, the Canis Major Dwarf, the core of the approximately 25000 light years away from us and about 45000 light years Years from the galactic center. Secondly, SagDEG at about 88000 light years from us and some 50000 light years from the galactic center. These two dwarfs are currently in close encounters with our galaxy and in sections of its orbit is also located within the volume ocupied by our Milky Way. They are far ahead of the more conspicuous Large and Small Magellanic Cloud, 179000 and 210000 light years, respectively.

The spiral arms of our Milky Way contain interstellar matter, diffuse fog, and young stars and open star clusters emerge from this affair. On the other hand, the bulge component consists of old stars and contains the globular cluster star clusters, our galaxy has probably over 200 globulars, of which we know about the 150th These globular clusters are highly concentrated in the direction of the galactic centre: From its apparent distribution in the sky, Harlow Shapley to the conclusion that this center of the Milky Way is a large gap (which he overestimated of factors) in the direction of Sagittarius rather close to us, as was previously thought.

Our solar system is within the outer regions of this galaxy, even within the hard disk and only about 20 light years "above" the level equatorial symmetry (in the direction of the galactic North Pole, see below), but about 28000 light years from the galactic center. Therefore, the Milky Way appears as a shining band of the whole sky along this symmetry plane, including the "galactic equator. Its center is located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, but very close to the border between the two neighbours constellations Scorpius and Ophiuchus. The distance of 28000 light years has recently (1997) have been confirmed by the data from the ESA satellite Hipparcos astrometric. Other studies published thus have denied this figure and a smaller value of about 25000 light years, based on stellar dynamics, a recent study (McNamara 2000, based on RR Lyrae variables) results in about 26000 light years. These data, if relevant, would not immediately impact values for distances of certain objects in the Milky Way or beyond.

The solar system is situated in a small spiral arm, the so-called "local" or "Orion arm, the only link between the inner and outer next more massive weapons, the Sagittarius arm and the Perseus Arm, see our Milky Way spiral-Structure Side.

Similar to other galaxies, supernovae occur there in the Milky Way at irregular intervals of time. If they are not too strong obscurred by interstellar matter, they can, and have been as spectacular events from the earth. Unfortunately has not appeared since the invention of the telescope (the last good supernova was observed by Johannes Kepler in 1604).

Milky Way pictures are wide-angle field exposures. In addition to the attractive and often colorful, they are often suited to the Milky Way objects (including nebulae and star clusters) in their heavenly surroundings of the field stars. Some fields contain many Messier objects and thus also here:

* Milky Way central region including constellations Sagittarius, scorpion, snake makers and Scutum and map the Milky Way Central Region, by Bill Keel of the University of Alabama
* Milky Way in Sagittarius, including parts of the scorpion and snake-bearer
* Milky Way about M17, M18 and M24

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Planets of our Solar System: is it 8 or 9?

As we all know, there has been recent speculation, what a planet is and what is not. The purpose of this secrecy was Pluto. But the IAU (International Astronomical Union) says that a planet is a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so it is assumed that they have an almost round shape and has the neighborhood around its orbit. "

In addition to the Earth and its moon Luna, there are eight other planets in our solar system that even their own orbiting satellites, or moons. The first of these two planets, and proximity to the sun, Mercury. One would think that this planet so close to the sun would mean the whole thing is quite toasty, but that's not true. Only the next page to the sun is the fried side. The site away from the sun can actually drop hundreds of degrees below zero.

The second planet Venus is with his cranky attitude towards the sun. He wants all of the heat to itself with its dense atmosphere. Therefore, the planet is very hot and full of volcanic activity. It is not like we here on earth, where temperature is just right and everything has a certain balance. Mars, on the other side is not so happy. While the question of where the water went looms in all our minds, this planet Desert is constantly investigated for a clue.

Then we have the fifth planet Jupiter with its active atmosphere and some magnetic field. Maybe one of these days we can understand and recognize why the angry giant it is, but it is so angry as Saturn? Sports Saturn rings, consisting of ice and rock chunks and remove the rings of Uranus look like small children. Unfortunately, not much is known about Saturn and Uranus other than Uranus was apparently from a very large object that it is tilted on its side.

Anyway, we now conclude with poor Pluto. This small exile, the more or less a snowball effect orbits the sun is still the center of the debate. Since it was a planet since 1930, everyone is used to its existence, and many may be dismayed at the fact this little guy be sent into exile. Anyway, we have a very impressive solar system with much more research to come. Maybe by long and accurate research Pluto learn their true destiny.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Galaxies and Planets

It always to the point where planets are found everywhere. Fifty here, fifty, well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but there are a lot of planets. Now that we know that planets outside our own solar system, perhaps we should stop include those we find. Why do I say this? Our Milky Way is only one of billions, or even more. It contains over 100,000,000,000 stars. If only one star in three planets around them and can say that the average height of 4 planet, we are looking at a rear a lot of planets my friends. The planet is about 133,333,333,333 only in our own galaxy. If only one of the planet in 1000 has made life, we are looking 133,333,333,333 planet with life. If only 1 in 1000, this intelligent life, we are on 13,333 planets in our galaxy, the intelligent life. Now you know why we are looking for signals from planets with intelligent life, it is because the figures in favour of the opportunities that it there. Our world can not be that special that we are the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. It would be very closed-minded of us to believe. Even if the Bible as a literal interpretation of God's word, I do not think that there is something in it prohibits that life in other places other than the Earth. Maybe I will an argument, but that is what I believe.

The Andromeda galaxy is our neighbor galaxy. It is as M31. The M stands for Messier object. Charles Messier was a French astronomer who lived from 1730 to 1817. He met a list of objects that are difficult to say of comets. Of course, the telescopes were not as good as the one today, and today this is no problem. There are 110 of these objects. Andromeda galaxy is a greater than our own. It is quite near us in cosmic terms and is headed for a collision with the Milky Way. Do not worry, but it will take about 4 billion years before this happens. Even if it happens, there is not much chance to smash. The stars are simply too far apart. NASA describes it, picture two sand grains separated by a football pitch. That is approximately the distance of stars from each other in each galaxy. When the two galaxies do, they will be in each other at the speed of about 1000000 mph, Ouch! A few days of the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy. The main problem with the two galaxies passing to each other is the gas and dust that each. Recent findings indicate that the Andromeda galaxy contains more than one trillion stars, that is far more than the Milky Way, but here is the kicker, they have also noticed that the Milky Way is massive, dark matter by more days. Dark matter is the case, we can not see. It is estimated that 90% of the universe. In light of all this dark matter in our own galaxy, it would be interesting to see how these effects of the collision between two galaxies.

Forgetting the conflict for a second, the potential for planet in the Andromeda galaxy is still far greater than our own, because the number of stars in this galaxy. The scientists believe that the same physics is in fact in all the galaxies and in the entire universe. I wonder whether this could be a false assumption, even in small ways? For example, what if there is a planet where things did not work quite the same. For example, we are used to things falling down in a straight line. What if there is a planet, where there were similar gravity to our own, but for some unknown reason, things fell on the planet at an angle? With so many different planets and so many different compositions, things could be quite different than what we are used to be, even if they do not violate the laws of physics. Would it be possible to create a galaxy, not the planet or at least 5 or 6 planet for each star? These are extreme cases, but you can only do not exclude anything, when you speak of the unknown.

Our own galaxy, satellite galaxies revolve around it, like planets orbiting the sun. Two of these galaxies are small Magellanic Cloud and the Large Magellanic Cloud. The nearest galaxy to our own thoughts was the Large Magellanic Cloud, to 163000 light years away. In 1994, discovered that he was the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy was closer to only about 80000 light years. The Magellanic Cloud galaxy is like a blob of stars. There can be only in the southern hemisphere. This galaxy is disintegrating because we absorb them. The gradational tug of war between this galaxy and our own creates thousands of star clusters between the two. The third closest galaxy to us, at around 200000 light years, the Small Magellanic Cloud, a dwarf galaxy. Also this galaxy is absorbed by our galaxy. Gas is created by dying stars and star clusters are, how they are drawn away from the Small Magellanic Cloud. It is also a way of rubble, arising from these two galaxies in our own. This is another galaxy that only from the Southern Hemisphere. Thanks to these two galaxies, our own is increasing. Both of the Magellanic Cloud galaxies are considered primitive and not have so many heavy elements than our own galaxy. The chances planet, with life in the two Magellanic Cloud galaxies are much leaner than in our own or the Andromeda galaxy. Because there are a lot of very young stars in them, some are over the age of only twelve million years old. This does not have much time, if ever, for planetary research development.

Our Milky Way is about 90000 light years in diameter and has a size of about 270000 light years. It is characterized disk, which is about 2400 light-years thick. None of these figures are accurate and can be as much light as 50000 years ago, nobody knows. Our Milky Way is part of a group of galaxies, known as the local group. This group is itself part of the Virgo over. Other dwarf galaxies that orbit our Milky Way are Canis Major, contactors, Ursa Minor, sculptors, sextant, Fomax and Leo. Some are so small that they only 500 light years in diameter. These small galaxies would Carina, Draco and Leo II, all dwarfs. It is believed that more of these galaxies orbiting us that much less mass and therefore go undetected for the moment. It is the view that they could provide gas and dust. It is a ripple effect on the southern edge of our galaxy, and this is thought to be caused by the Magellanic Clouds Chen, as we orbit. The speed of the rapprochement of the Andromeda galaxy is about 100 to 140 kilometers per second. That is about 67 to 93 miles per second. No one is quite sure how quickly our galaxy travels. There have been estimates ranging form 100 km to 1000 km. per second. This is somewhere between 67 to 667 miles per second, and this could be wrong.

Some of the recently discovered planets outside our solar system include that was discovered orbiting a star, has been completely normal. The planet is about 5.5 times as large as the Earth. It is further away from its sun as we are of ours. The star it is orbiting 28000 light years away and is considered to be rocky planets. The star it is orbiting a red dwarf. That means it is about 50 times less powerful than our sun, but is the most common type of stars in the universe. Some large planet Earth have been found, but these were just dying orbiting neutron stars. A neutron star is a star, comes from a supernova explosion. It is very dense. They speak of a star is that only about 10 km (about 6.5 km) in radius, still has a mass about 1.5 times higher than that of our sun, has a radius of 695000 km (approx. 463333 km). It is assumed that all planets orbiting a sun, and this has had a dead world. Another planet has been found at a distance of about 20 light years. It is a rotating red sun, is about 1.5 times as large as our sun. The planet is as much as the Earth and its discovery in April 2007 by a team of European astronomers. There is evidence to suggest oceans. The diameter is 12000 miles and its mass is 5 times the Earth. Some scientists are already saying that these planets may be only the best chance for life so far. I believe that this statement is much too early. The planet is in the balance.

Have you ever wondered why we think that planets are usually huge? The answer is simple, it is hard to find planets, because their sun block their light. The bigger the planet the more light there is and the easier it is to find does not mean that planets can be found easily. Will we find a planet that has life? It seems that the universe has a surprise for us. It is surprising that there are many planets out there, and many are similar to our own world. There may be millions and billions of companies waiting for us, or we try to avoid whatever the case may be.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Creation of the Universe - the Theory and Evidence..

A theory of scientific dominated society is the Big Bang theory.

The Big Bang theory is acceptable today theory about the origins of the universe. According to this theory the universe was created in a "Big Bang" to 12-15 billion years. Science has no way of predicting what this time. Before the Big Bang, all matter in the universe as we know it today was close at one point. It is hard to imagine, but the universe was this point, there was nothing more than that point. Then a huge explosion occurred and the point began to expand with enormous speed. All the material init moved away from the explosion into space. The explosion also a quantity of radioactivity. The proof of this is the cosmic background radiation, as we see today. Since then, the point was that the early universe, according to the size as we know it today, and is continuing to expand. The proof of this is the measurement of galaxies appear to be farther apart as we measure.

Immediately after the big bang the universe was filled with a thick "soup" of subatomic particles, called quarks and leptons (electrons) and their antiparticle equivalents. With 0.01 seconds after the Big Bang some of the quarks had united to form neutron and protons. After another 2 seconds remaining the only leptons were electrons, the anti-particles have been destroyed. After 3.5 minutes the hydrogen and helium nuclei formed. After a million years the universe populated with hydrogen and helium atoms, the raw material of stars and galaxies. The initial radiation from the "Big Bang" has become less energetic. These "cosmic background radiation" today has a temperature 3 degrees above absolute zero about -270 C.

The future of the universe has several potential results.
Either it is a closed world where the universe meet a critical point, the gravity between galaxies will overcome the speed to them from the Big Bang and the universe starts to shrink. All galaxies moves in a certain point in space, where it will be a highly concentrated point as the universe was like before the Big Bang. The tragic death of the universe, some scientists as "The Big Crunch". Then the process can start all over again to create a new universe (it can also put our present universe).
Or it becomes a flat universe, where the universe will continue its expansion, but the rate of expansion will decrease just before zero, but never below it.
Or it becomes an open universe, where the universe is continually expanding.
One of these options is the fate of our universe is for discussion in the scientific society, and no agreement has been reached, but we are still in the phase of expansion.